Zombie Stories (Roblox) Wiki
RadioIcon "There's blood all on the door... It's too late for him..."
Some content in this article seems to be removed from the game, you may still edit this article, but the zombies may have already eaten all of what's left.
Additional Info: Event has since been ended.

The Thanksgiving 2024 Mini Event was a mini event that was released on v2.6.0 on November 28th, 2024. Initially scheduled to end on December 14th, the event was extended until December 23rd. This event was centered on celebrating Thanksgiving, as well as the re-opening of Contamination.

Event Overview[]

The event oversees the return of Contamination, the first chapter of Legacy Stories that was closed down since v2.0.0+ Framework Update. In addition to this, this mini-event also saw the celebration of Thanksgiving, as players are able to purchase three items from the Event Shop, with the last one being obtainable to players who receive a specific badge.

Event Items[]

During the mini-event, players were able purchase the following items from the Event, sans the Turkey-Shot Enfield.


  • Autumnal HK USP (Exclusive): 7,000 Z$
  • Harvester HK21 (Exclusive): 6,500 Z$
  • Turkey-Shot Enfield (Exclusive): Obtainable by beating Contamination on Hard.


Related Badges[]

Icon Name Description Obtaining Reward
Thanksgivingevent2024badge Beat Contamination on Hard! No description available. Complete Contamination on Hard Difficulty during this event.


1,000 Z$, and the 'Turkey-Shot' Lee Enfield skin.



  • This is the second mini-event centered on an American federal holiday; which is Thanksgiving (after the 4th of July Mini Event in 2023).
    • Although, various countries such as Austria and Canada also celebrate Thanksgiving.
    • This is the eighth event, and the fourth mini-event in Zombie Stories overall.
    • This is also first Thanksgiving event in Zombie Stories.
  • To buy all the items in the Event shop, excluding Turkey-Shot Enfield, the total cost would be 20,000Z$.
  • The mini-event was initially scheduled to end on December 14th, however, it was announced that the event has been extended to December 21st, and then later, on December 23rd due to the delay of the upcoming Winter 2024 Event.